Yogini, Stripper, Goddess


I met Ivy Rose* at yoga  a few years ago. Smart, honest and savvy – she’s turning every bad stripper cliche on its head.

How did you transition from yoga teacher to stripper?

Well I was heartbroken, poor and in debt… My best friend has been a dancer for 10 years so I went to her and asked for help. The funny thing is that I vividly remember saying that I could do topless waitressing but I was no showgirl. Within a few days I was dancing at the strip club and within a few weeks I was doing shows.

I was still teaching yoga and using the confidence from dancing in my teaching. Similarly I used yoga movements on stage and in my performances.

Unfortunately the timings were clashing and I gave up teaching but I feel like I did it at the right time. I handed my flame to a new teacher as I was guided into the stripper world by my “stripper-fairy-god-mama“.

What do enjoy about your work?

I love the power of sensuality. It was like I awoke a sleeping beast and when I harness her my body just flows… It’s like I have the whole universe pulsating within me. It’s spiritual.

It’s a sacred and divine primal movement and every woman can access it!

Truth be told, I love the success. It is really empowering to be financially independent. It’s also confidence boosting to see yourself succeed. Every woman wants to feel pretty and having men pay to see you, shower you with praise, compliments and tipping dollars is a lovely ego boost!I also love the fantasy. Strippers are like unicorns; mythical creatures that aren’t even supposed to exist. When you enter our world it is like an alternate universe. We can be whatever we want and yet what I love most is that I can be myself. Within this industry I feel I can be my true self without the constraints of society.

I won’t lie. I shed a few tears when I began.

You see the ugly side to men and humanity but you also get the opportunity to face your own resilience and learn just how strong you are. When you stand naked in front of people you stand naked in front of yourself and if you are strong enough to do that, you can’t help but love yourself your raw, unadulterated self.

What don’t you enjoy?

Judgement. Society looks down on the sex industry. It’s considered degrading and yet the high demand tells otherwise. I find it ironic that men look down upon an industry that they have made so profitable and then criticise women who take advantage of it.

I also hate the competitiveness. It should be a sisterhood and my relationships with  international strippers on twitter tells me that exists yet I regularly face anger, jealousy and competition. It’s sad.

Does it effect your relationships with your friends, partner or family?

Of course! My truest friends are proud. Sometimes their girlfriends shun me but I find that funny. Strippers aren’t a threat to your boyfriends ladies! Just his wallet!

The right partner will support you. You can be a real power couple. A partner who doesn’t have trust may have issues with jealousy but I have seen successful relationships all around me. It’s just a job like any other. The important thing is to draw a clear line between work and home. Never let that line get blurred or you can be at risk of losing respect.

It’s so easy to scoff at men or see them as foolish and feel superior. This is the ego trying to take control. When this happens you will start to feel resentful and angry toward the men in your daily life and that’s just unhealthy. Alternately your partner must see you for you and not assume that stripping is equal to intimacy. Like any job/relationship it is about trust, balance and respect.

Family… I thought I would never tell them but I will have to eventually. I am after all saving to buy my mother a house. She will wonder where the money came from.

As a career, is it profitable?

Hahahahahaha my god YES!

Within my first 6 weeks I had paid off an 8 grand debt, bought clothes, shoes, makeup and a holiday to USA.

I also save as much as possible. For the first time in my life I can see myself owning property within a year.

Any advice for would be strippers?

Don’t take it too seriously. Learn to laugh about it any chance you get. I have a twitter account @stripperlols that keeps me sane and connected to strippers all over the world.

Also know who you are and why you are doing it. It’s important to see a clear path ahead. Know that no matter what happens, you choose exactly what and how you want to do this. And understand the transient nature of the work. Take everything you can from it and always cherish it. Even the hardest moments will give you the most valuable lessons. You will learn so much about yourself so make sure you are ready to see your inner power. It is stronger than you think.

I was taught by Taj, one of the best in the business, and her advice to me has always been this: “Treat it like a business. Be smart with your money, set a minimum goal for each week that makes it all worthwhile and always keep a normal job because this won’t last.”

Connect with Ivy Rose* Twitter – @stripperlols